It's your turn to make a difference! Learn more about a career as a police officer or dispatcher by attending KCKPD's Hiring Event, Feb. 13th from 9 AM-3 PM at Children's Mercy Park.
The Kansas City, Kansas Police Department is dedicated to strengthening Community T.I.E.S. - transparency, integrity, engagement and safety. Safety is the ultimate goal, but it cannot be attained without a foundation based on transparency. Openly sharing data and defining philosophies, policies and procedures is one of the ways we hope to bridge the gap between community and law enforcement.
Learn about the Police Departments policies and procedures.
Find out how we train our officers in the field.
Learn about our Use of Force Policies and recent data related to officer use of force.
Learn about the policies regarding the use of body worn cameras and access to footage.
Learn about the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®).